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ines/ELAN D403/D480サンプルプログラム

110 INTEGER D(2) ! Data arrays
120 INTEGER Dummy ! dummy variable for initialization
130 INTEGER Hdio,Cdio! Device handle for DIO, Numbers of the samples read
140 DIM A$[16] ! string of 16 characters
150 PRINT "i403/D403 DIO CALL Daqhtb_writei(1,Hdio,D(*)) Test"
160 PRINT "--------------------------------------------------"
161 Cdio=2
170 Input_port:!
180 INPUT "Port A-E ? = ",Port$
190 Port$=UPC$(Port$)
200 IF Port$<"A" OR Port$>"E" THEN GOTO Input_port
210 PRINT "Port is ";Port$;"."
220 !---------- initialization ------------------------------------------------------
230 CALL Daqhtb_ioctl(Dummy,"( fctn init) ")
240 !---------- open device ---------------------------------------------------------
250 CALL Daqhtb_open(Hdio,"i403 DIO "&Port$,0)
260 !---------- configure DIO device and start writing ------------------------------
270 CALL Daqhtb_ioctl(Hdio,"( iod ( dir 255 ) ) ")!
280 Repeat:!
290 INPUT "byte( disp >=0 ; quit <0)",P
300 A$=IVAL$(P,2) ! binary expression of P
310 IF P<0 THEN GOTO Fines
320 PRINT P,A$[9] ! sub stgring expression of lower 8 characters
330 D(1)=P
340 CALL Daqhtb_writei(Cdio,Hdio,D(*))
350 GOTO Repeat
360 Fines:!
370 D(1)=BINAND(BINCMP(0),255)! inverse of 0
380 CALL Daqhtb_writei(Cdio,Hdio,D(*))! end of display
390 !----------- close device ---------------------------------------
400 CALL Daqhtb_close(Hdio)
410 DELSUB Daqhtb_ioctl TO END
420 END
430 !

2−(3)  DIOwriteiDemo.bas  (1ビットずつインクリメントします)
1. 操作


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