This is the demo version of the MS Office Interface for HTBasic for Windows and HP BASIC for Windows. The MS Office Interface for HTBasic Demo is free software and may be used by any number of users on any number of systems without fee or obligation, subject only to the terms and conditions laid out below. Modification of the program or its resources or associated data files is strictly forbidden. Unauthorised modifications of any component of the MS Office Interface for HTBasic Demo constitute a breach of intellectual property laws in most countries and will be pursued vigorously to the full extent of the law. The MS Office Interface for HTBasic Demo may be used by anyone and may be freely distributed via any medium, either commercial or non-commercial, provided the following conditions are met: 1: Distribution The MS Office Interface for HTBasic Demo Software must be distributed complete and unaltered in the original ZIP archive file or self-extracting archive, with all messages intact. 2: Charging for distribution No charge may be directly levied for the MS Office Interface for HTBasic Demo itself. Fair copying and support charges may be applied but you must not represent that you are actually selling the software itself. The intent of this statement is to allow book publishers to distribute the system freely with books, and to permit Software Libraries and BBS systems to distribute The MS Office Interface for HTBasic Demo in their catalogues provided only reasonable handling and duplication fees are charged. 3: Ownership Ownership of the MS Office Interface for HTBasic Demo Software remains vested in the author, Tech Soft GmbH. You may not represent ownership or copyright in the system in the course of distribution, and you must not represent any specific connection with, or authorisation or license from the author. 4: No liability Although all possible care has been taken to ensure that the MS Office Interface for HTBasic Demo Software is as reliable as possible, the diversity of environments in which it might be used means that we can accept no responsibility for loss or damage, whether real or consequential, arising from its use. By using the software you explicitly agree to hold the author blameless for any such losses or damages. 5: Limitations The programming funtionality of demo version is not limited. However, some limitations apply: - The source code of the high level user library "htbdde.lib" is protected - A dialog box will be displayed from time to time - The pdf manual contains the watermark "Demo version" - We only provide limited support for the demo version 6: All rights reserved We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions of use and distribution of MS Office Interface for HTBasic Demo without specific notice, although we will make reasonable efforts to advise of any such change through normal channels (user groups, mailing lists and so on). Tech Soft Developer Team